Thursday, October 27, 2011

Work Thus Far

After going over storyboards for so long, I realize that I haven't really been showing the class the progress I've been making on my puppet construction or other aesthetic choices. This post will change all of that!

After assembling my guy's armature over the summer, I was set with the task of building up his body. As planned, I glued and carved poly-urethane foam to the armature and then wrapped it in latex adhesive bandage wrap. Then, many painstaking coats of liquid latex later, and I have his body.  But then I had to make a wire armature for my lady and create her body using the same process. I am still in the process of laying liquid latex down, as her adhesive bandage (I bought a different brand) is a little more prone to lumps this time around.

Additionally I am working on their heads right now. Seeing as the first two heads I've sculpted have been unsatisfactory, I am sculpting a third one for him; I have not sculpted a head for her but her neck position is less complicated and should not come with the same issues. Although I could use the second head, I know that if I want the puppet to work exactly how I want it to, I have to make a new one. Easier to do now than later.

I've also worked some on their clothing. I went to the fabric store this weekend and made all the decisions regarding their clothing. Mostly I looked for fabric that has a very small weft and in her case, a slight amount of stretch to ensure that it can fit her portions snugly.

This a the fabrics I have chosen for their clothing. All of them should be easy to work with and the right scale for their size. As far as patterns go, I purchasing patterns for her shirt online, since it is a bit more complicated to make and a specific shape. The other items will be made from open source patterns, as those are free, come in pdfs and thus are easy to change to size of.

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