Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fellowship Write Up

In regards to the Traveling Fellowship, I really want to go to Annecy in France to attend the Annecy Animation Festival, from June 4th to 9th, 2012. Not only would witnessing a top level animation festival be inspiring to me as an animator and storyteller, the travel to France alone would be the experience of a lifetime. The festival usually features animation from the Gobelins School, an industry favorite in terms of creative storytelling and uniquely lush visuals; I've longed admired the work that comes out of that school. The festival also features many other famous animators and animation studios, and the chance to see their work in person would be outrageously awesome.

In addition to going to Annecy, I would also use the money to tour France in general, take in another culture different from my own, visit the Lourve and other important art museums, etc. The fine art focus is not something that is always present in the animation curriculum here at MCA, so that major influence from Old World Europe could really even me out as a visual artist.

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